Richard Foulger Head of Claims, AEGIS London
Shazia Rafique Vice President, Onshore Energy Middle East North Africa, Liberty Specialty Market
Opening address
Dr. Bassel Hindawi Chairman/CEO, DIFC Insurance Association NPIO
A Decade of Regional markets ‐ Development & Sustainability
Kamal Tabaja (chair)
COO, Trust RE
Ata Khatib
Senior Vice President, Lockton (MENA) Ltd
Romel Tabaja
DCEO, Trust RE
Adam Wakeley
Energy Practice Leader, MENA, Marsh
Waleed Jabsheh
President, International General Insurance Company
Living in a world of low oil prices and a China slowdown
Paul Hodges Chairman, International eChem
Break |
Construction to operation transition and the implications for the buyer
David Leich Chief Technical Officer MESCAT, Chief Construction Officer ‐ Africa, ENGIE Middle East South Central Asia Turkey & Africa
Sunil J. Machado Vice President ‐ Insurance Management, ENGIE Middle East South Central Asia Turkey & Africa
Cyber ‐ can a hacker damage an industrial facility?
Eireann Leverett Founder of Concinnity Risks and Senior Risk Researcher, Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies
Lunch |
13:30 & 14:30
Breakout ‐ Delegates to chose 2 of the 3 options |
What is challenging the promise to pay?
Hugh Kennaway Director ‐ non marine, Matthew Daniel
Andrew King Head of Claims Preparation and Valuations Aon (DIFC) Gulf Limited, MRNA
David Lovering Technical Lead for MEA, Major Loss Centre of Excellence, Commerical Property, Energy and Engineered Risks, AIG Property Casualty
Policiy wordings ‐ looking through different lenses
Alfred Thornton Partner, Clyde & Co
Angela Haylett Senior Associate, Clyde & Co
Saud Alsaab Senior Associate, Clyde & Co
Time element insurance ‐ is it what you think?
Daniel Thorpe ACMA Director, MDD Dubai LTD
Michael Van Bergen Claims Consultant, Marsh
Break |
Buyers current perspective of the energy insurance market
Andrea Vigo Assistant Treasurer, Sadara Chemicals
The relevance of the insurance industry in 2016
William Pembroke
Regional Director ‐ Energy Power Construction
Head of Broking ‐ Specialty Middle East, Aon (DIFC) Gulf Limited
An international view
Hala Long Head of Energy Europe, Middle East and Africa, XL Catlin
Closing remarks with Q&A
Shazia Rafique
Vice President, Onshore Energy Middle East North Africa. Liberty Specialty Market
Ata Khatib
Senior Vice President, Lockton (MENA) Ltd
Romel Tabaja
DCEO, Trust RE
Adam Wakeley
Energy Practice Leader, MENA, Marsh
Waleed Jabsheh
President, International General Insurance Company
Networking Reception |